Sunday, 22 May 2011

The journey continues ....

So much for the intention of writing daily. A lot has happened in the last few weeks. A wedding that was the epitome of pomp and grandeur but at the same time an intimate personal bonding of a beautiful young lady to a handsome prince. The images will stay with me for a life time filed away alongside the images of another such day when a shy young woman married her prince and began a journey in life that would ultimately end in tragedy in one of the most romantic cities in the world.
Within my own world I have seen a picture of my grandnephew/grandniece to be. Isnt techology a wonderful thing that parents to be are able to witness the stages of their baby's growth through imagery that clearly shows a little person and not just the physical "bump" that is on show to the world. We are blessed to be expecting three new little people into our family over the coming months. Three sets of people who's will become first time parents and who's lives will be changed forever.
We also mourn the loss of some we knew and many that we didn't. From politicians to actors to terrorists, we may not mourn the loss as personal but we acknowledge a life that has ended. For those who have lost loved ones be it recently or many moons ago my wish for you is that eventually the pain will lessen to reveal the love and beauty of memories that may comfort you and bring you warmth on a cool winters night.
While I may not have written daily as you can see the journey of life has continued on along it's own predestined path.


  1. Three babies coming is so exciting. Good luck to the first time parents.

  2. Wonderful indeed to be able to view images of babies long before we meet them in the flesh. I am totally blown away by such technology - your family will be richer with these little people in it, and they will be welcomed with love.

    Births - the begining of life, weddings the joining together and then comes the loss that death brings and we each handle that in our own way and grief takes as long as it takes.

    Lovely words Cheryl and a beautiful blog.

    Love and hugs,

  3. Thanks Lynne and yes it is a very exciting time for all the family.

    Thank you Linda I am constantly amazed at how far we have come technology wise. I have just realised we have four babies due oh my goodness. My post related to those in England that are new news to me but we also have a little Australia baby due shortly as well.

    Grief is such a different process for each person the only constant is that we usually eventually come to terms with our losses and move through the pain.
